
  • Avalbayeva Nilufar Shohidulla qizi Master's student Karshi State University Author


Will, psychological component, talent, perseverance, self-control, Abulia, apraxia, genetics, psychological concepts


This article covers the fact that will and volitional qualities are considered one of the factors that determine the development of the individual, the level of formation of volitional qualities in adolescence of the development of development is considered the main stage in the maturation of the individual. Therefore, it is important to analyze the criteria for the formation of volitional qualities and justify its importance in the development of personality. In adolescents who are coming of age today, individual psychological characteristics are the formation of such important volitional qualities as responsibility, initiative, discipline, diligence, boldness, perseverance, courage, striving for a goal, the development of methods for eliminating negative volitional qualities that occur in the mental-psychological process, determines that the topic is relevant in the current period.


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How to Cite

Avalbayeva , N. (2024). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF VOLITIONAL QUALITIES IN ADOLESCENCE: Journal of Contemporary World Studies, 2(10), 13-19.