
  • Sаdullаyevа Gulmirа G‘аybullo qizi Bukhara State Medical Institute Author
  • Nаjimov Ruslаn Rаsul o‘g‘li Student of Bukhara State Medical Institute Author


allergies, rhinitis, morbidity, exoallergens, endoallergens, prevention measures


This article covers the origin, types and prevention measures of allergic diseases. The spectrum of allergens is expanding due to the heterogeneity of allergic diseases, the interaction of hereditary factors as well as factors of the external environment. Allergic rhinitis is common worldwide, with 30% -50% of the population currently suffering from this disease. In the development of this pathology, along with the influence of medical-biological and sanitary-hygienic factors, the influence of environmental factors also plays an important role.


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How to Cite

Sаdullаyevа G., & Najimov, R. (2023). ALLERGY DISEASES AND METHODS OF THEIR TREATMENT. Science technology&Digital Finance, 1(5), 109-114.

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