
  • Shermatov Abbos Jumayevich Tutor of the Faculty of Chemical Technology of inorganic substances of the Yangiyer branch of the Tashkent Institute of chemical technologists Author


budget organization, finance, funding, revenue, rent, promotion, accounting staff, personnel flow


In the conditions of the market economy, budget organizations have the right to receive additional income in addition to being financed from the budget. The full flow of these additional funds to the off-budget accounts of budget organizations and increasing the interests of employees of budget organizations in the use of these funds will stimulate the wide use of property attached to budget organizations and other opportunities of budget organizations, contribute to economic growth. provides additional encouragement and expands opportunities for further development of entrepreneurship.


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How to Cite

Shermatov, A. (2024). IMPROVEMENT OF DEVELOPMENT FUND ACCOUNT IN BUDGET ORGANIZATIONS. Science technology&Digital Finance, 2(2), 40-44.

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