
  • Xakimov Orziqul Associate professor of the Department of Social Sciences and physical culture of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan Author
  • John Mulholland PhD Sociology - University of Leicester Professor (Associate) at University of the West of England, Bristol. Author


public control, civil society, non-profit organizations, political parties, media


In this article, the authors expressed their opinion on the importance in the development of society of the activity of people in civil society, their indifference to social workers, the need for each executive employee to understand teran that his activities are under the control of the public. In addition to these, there are several other structures that have set out their own opinions and considerations about whether they can also be controlled by the public.


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How to Cite

Hakimov, O., & Mulholland, J. (2023). THE ROLE OF PUBLIC OPINION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY. Science technology&Digital Finance, 1(4), 458-464.

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