
  • Sunnatov Qudratulla Sundorqul o‘g‘li Student of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan Author


international trade, network economics, globalization, innovation, economic growth, risks, environmental risk, social inequality, trade networks, economic policy


This article will analyze new opportunities and risks in the economy of international trade and sectors. In the process of globalization, the expansion of international trade, the introduction of new technologies and innovations will develop trade networks, which will lead to the creation of new business opportunities, high-quality products and services. However, this process can also generate risks such as economic instability, social inequality and environmental risks. The article also examines the policies and practices necessary to manage risks and create a safe, sustainable economic system.


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How to Cite

Sunnatov , Q. (2025). ECONOMICS OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND SECTORS: NEW OPPORTUNITIES AND RISKS: Science technology&Digital Finance, 3(1), 26-29.

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