
  • Nuraliyeva Sora Bahodir qizi Student of the direction “Family Psychology” of the Faculty of Psychology of the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan Author


Sympathy, antipathy, feeling, love, friendship, affection, feelings, feelings, positive sympathy, negative sympathy, positive antipathy, negative antipathy


In this article, we will consider the concepts of sympathy and antipathy, which are from the feelings that a person experiences.Throughout our article,we will also highlight the state of these concepts in the individual, both negative and positive.We will be able to see that the concepts of human communication,friendship,love,loving consequence are inextricably linked with these two concepts.


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How to Cite

Nuraliyeva, S. (2024). THE ROLE OF SYMPATHY AND ANTIPATHY IN PERSONALITY BEHAVIOR. Science technology&Digital Finance, 2(6), 17-22.